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RAISEonline 2016 has been released

Posted by Nick Dent on 25th November 2016

Today sees the publication of this year’s RAISE and the release of its new format.


What is RAISEonline?

RAISEonline is a secure web-based system that provides schools, local authorities and inspectors with a range of analyses including:

  • attainment at the end of Key Stage 4;
  • progress from Key Stage 2 to 4;
  • absence and exclusions; and
  • the characteristics (often referred to as ‘context’) of pupils.


For each type of analysis, your school is compared to national averages for secondary schools.  Some analyses also show you where your school sits in the national distribution of schools (for example, in the top 20%, bottom 5%, et cetera).


What is it for?

The purpose of RAISEonline is twofold.  Firstly, it is an important (but by no means the only) source of data for schools to use in retrospective self-evaluation and development planning, to be used alongside other sources such as Fischer Family Trust (FFT) data and the schools’ own pupil tracking data.  Secondly, the analyses are used by inspectors in their pre-inspection briefings. It is therefore critical that you are able to interpret your school’s data from an inspector’s perspective and can identify apparent areas of underperformance in order to:

  • explain why they occurred; or
  • demonstrate that you recognise them and have set out the action you are taking to address them.


What is new?

The new analysis is more intelligent: there is now recognition that a child’s starting point needs to be taken into account when calculating expected progress.


The least able children typically make about two levels of progress in five years; the most able, four or more.  Gone, therefore, is the usual reference to 3LOP and 4LOP; students’ results are now compared to the actual achievements of other students with the same prior attainment.  This is designed to level the playing field.


What will this year’s RAISE look like?

It is anticipated that the new RAISE document will feature traffic lighted colour-coding to distinguish results that are top 10% nationally (bright green), significantly above average (pale green), average (white), significantly below average (pale red) and bottom 10% (bright red).


Want further advice on RAISE or another Education matter? Please contact Nick Dent, head of our Education department.

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